#!/bin/sh # Sets xsetroot name # Copy to any location (e.g. ~/.config/dwm), modify as needed, and set this script to run # in .xinitrc. Note make sure it is nonblocking (add & to end) or this will freeze the # system print_date(){ echo $(date "+%a, %b %d %R") } print_mem(){ available=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemAvailable | awk '{print $2}') echo "$((available/1024))M" } print_ip(){ # Print normal ip normal_ip="$(ip addr show | grep enp4s0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F/ '{print $1}')" # If I'm connected to a vpn, print vpn ip vpn_ip="$(ip addr show | grep tun0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F/ '{print $1}')" if [ -z $vpn_ip ]; then echo "$normal_ip" else echo "$normal_ip | $vpn_ip" fi } while true do xsetroot -name "$(print_ip) | $(print_mem) | $(print_date)" sleep 1 done