diff --git a/md4tj_parse.el b/md4tj_parse.el
index 01b2803..461f928 100644
--- a/md4tj_parse.el
+++ b/md4tj_parse.el
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defun getline ()
@@ -55,39 +56,97 @@
" line))))))
+(defun md4tj-clean-multiline (line)
+ "Clean LINE of markdown syntax for ul."
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "^```" ""
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "^[0-9]+\\. " ""
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "^- " "" line))))
+(defun md4tj-clean-code-for-html (line)
+ "Escape characters in LINE that would be misinterpreted by the browser."
+ (string-replace
+ "<" "<"
+ (string-replace ">" ">" line)))
;; Note: a "block" is the smallest unit of parsing
;; It is normally a line of the code, but can be
;; multiple lines in the case of a block (NI)
-(defun md4tj-process-block (codeblock)
- "Process CODEBLOCK and return html."
- (cond ((string-match "^#+ " codeblock) (md4tj-process-header (md4tj-process-line codeblock)))
- ((string= "---" codeblock) "
- ((= (length codeblock) 0) "
- (t (md4tj-process-paragraph (md4tj-process-line codeblock)))))
+(defun md4tj-process-block (codeblock state)
+ "Process CODEBLOCK with STATE and return html."
+ (let ((cleanline (md4tj-clean-multiline codeblock)))
+ (concat
+ ;; Beginning of multiline block
+ (cond ((eq state 'beginul) "\n- ")
+ ((eq state 'beginol) "
\n- ")
+ ((eq state 'begincode) "
+ ((eq state 'ul) "- ")
+ ((eq state 'ol) "
- ")
+ ((eq state 'code) "")
+ ((eq state 'endul) "
+ ((eq state 'endol) "\n")
+ ((eq state 'endcode) "\n\n")
+ (t ""))
+ ;; Body
+ (cond ((or (eq state 'code) (eq state 'begincode)) (md4tj-clean-code-for-html cleanline))
+ ((string-match "^#+ " cleanline) (md4tj-process-header (md4tj-process-line cleanline)))
+ ((string= "---" cleanline) "
") ;; horizontal line
+ ((= (length cleanline) 0) "
") ;; blank line
+ (t (md4tj-process-paragraph (md4tj-process-line cleanline))))
+ ;; End of multiline block
+ (cond ((or (eq state 'ul) (eq state 'beginul)) "")
+ ((or (eq state 'ol) (eq state 'beginol)) "")
+ ((eq state 'code) "")
+ (t "")))))
-(defun md4tj-next-block ()
- "Retrieve the next block in the open file."
- (let ((currline (getline)))
- (cond ((string-match "^- " currline) nil) ;; TODO ul's
- ((string-match "^[0-9]+\\. " currline) nil) ;; TODO ol's
- (t currline))))
+(defun md4tj-next-state (currline prevstate)
+ "Return the state based on CURRLINE and PREVSTATE."
+ (cond ((and (string-match "^- " currline) (not (or (eq prevstate 'beginul) (eq prevstate 'ul))) 'beginul))
+ ((and (string-match "^- " currline) (or (eq prevstate 'beginul) (eq prevstate 'ul)) 'ul))
+ ((and (not (string-match "^- " currline)) (or (eq prevstate 'ul) (eq prevstate 'beginul))) 'endul)
+ ((and (string-match "^[0-9]+\\. " currline) (not (or (eq prevstate 'beginol) (eq prevstate 'ol))) 'beginol))
+ ((and (string-match "^[0-9]+\\. " currline) (or (eq prevstate 'beginol) (eq prevstate 'ol)) 'ol))
+ ((and (not (string-match "^[0-9]+\\. " currline)) (or (eq prevstate 'ol) (eq prevstate 'beginol))) 'endol)
+ ((and (string-match "^```" currline) (not (or (eq prevstate 'begincode) (eq prevstate 'code))) 'begincode))
+ ((and (not (string-match "```$" currline)) (or (eq prevstate 'begincode) (eq prevstate 'code)) 'code))
+ ((and (string-match "```$" currline) (or (eq prevstate 'code) (eq prevstate 'begincode))) 'endcode)
+ (t 'normal)))
+(defun md4tj-finalize (state)
+ "Finalizes HTML document by inserting missing end tags based on STATE."
+ (concat
+ (cond ((or (eq state 'beginul) (eq state 'ul)) "")
+ ((or (eq state 'beginol) (eq state 'ol)) "")
+ ((or (eq state 'begincode) (eq state 'code)) "")
+ (t ""))
+ "