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# The Jerks
## About
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[Click here for a table of my favorite and least favorite things](
#### Overview
I am a "Zillennial" from the American Midwest. I am a second-generation Indian-American immigrant. I tend to dislike coastal states and love areas where I can experience the hottest summers and the harshest winters, but not one or the other.
#### Religion
I am a Christian. I spent some time in the Missouri Synod Lutheran, Plymouth Brethren, and Evangelical-free denominations but am currently a Baptist. I was saved sometime around 2013-2014 and was baptized in 2021.
#### Work
I am a PhD student in Computer Engineering, with my specific research area being computer architecture (even more specifically: hardware accelerators and side-channels). In the past, I've done research in neural networks, persistent memory, and vehicle CAN bus security but have finally settled into microarchitectural security and accelerators. I hold a bachelors degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics and a masters degree in Electrical Engineering. I am pursuing a PhD in Computer Engineering.
#### Hobbies
My hobbies, in no particular order, include programming, digitial music production, guitar, image boards, bicycling, exploring small towns, reading philosophy, and reading Christian theology. I do not legitimize video games as a hobby - I've noticed people that do tend to use it to justify spending ridiculous amounts of hours playing them. Nevertheless, I occasionally enjoy them.
#### Programming
I started programming in C++, then moved to C which remains my language of choice for most personal projects (we are called "cniles"). I've worked with Python, Java, Octave, and R additionally. My work in formal verification has led me to functional programming, in which my language of choice is Standard ML, specifically the Poly/ML implementation. If you consider ELisp a functional programming language, then that would be another language I prefer. I am slowly warming up to Python but at this point use it mainly for bots and automation and my code is caveman-tier.
#### Tech
My main computer is a custom-built desktop. It has 16 GB DDR4 RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 3600X CPU, and an RX 580 8 GB GPU and it runs Void Linux. My laptop is a librebooted 2012 Lenovo x230 Tablet running Void Linux. The server on which this site runs is an old Dell Latitude E6420 laptop running OpenBSD. I own the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen that I use as a portable computer and my phone.
#### Software
- Operating System: Void Linux
- Text editor: Emacs
- IDE: Emacs
- Music library manager: Lollypop and sometimes Jellyfin
- Email client: mu/mu4e
- XMPP client: Gajim on Linux, BeagleIM on MacOS, Dino on Librem 5
- File browser: Emacs
- RSS feed reader: elfeed on Emacs
- Web browser: Firefox with arkenfox user.js, occasionally eww on Emacs
- Window manager: exwm (emacs window manager)
- Terminal: M-x shell (emacs shell)
- E-book reader: Emacs
- Digital audio workstation: LMMS
- Video game manager: Lutris
#### Tech Beliefs
With the exception of video games and websites that require Javascript to run, I use entirely free and open source (FOSS) software, but don't adhere perfectly to the FOSS philosophy. I used to be a big Richard Stallman fan but then I grew up and realized that in the real world, the GPL makes it ridiculously hard for developers to make money. I used to be big into the privacy movement, but came to the conclusion activism is a waste of time - it takes time out of my day that I could be using for personal projects. Instead, I simply don't use technology that violates my privacy and advise friends and family to follow suit.